Hellfire Fetish Club, Chico
Welcome to Chico's premier fetish club! Join our Group to be informed of the current and upcoming events held by the Chico Hellfire Fetish Club! Find opportunities to attend a munch and meet the wonderful people who comprise and maintain Chico's only fetish group with monthly parties! Full climate control for year 'round comfort.
We host four private parties a month, with open play, themes, raffles, contests and much more. In order to attend a play party, you must first attend a munch so that we can meet and vet you for attendance. This is a private social club. There is a monthly club membership fee to be allowed to attend.
Our attendance policies and dungeon rules can be found from within our Fetlife group. The specifics of membership can be found there as well. If you have any questions, please feel free to direct them to the club's Fetlife account or make a post in the group. One of our leaders will be happy to assist you as quickly as possible.
We look forward to meeting you!
Tuesday, 22 October 24, 9:45 AM
Welcome Just Watch'n
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